Livres publiés / Published books
Revue Scientifique / Scientific Review / 
Nasraoui, B. (from 2006): As Founder and Editor-in-Chief, editing of the half-yearly review
“Tunisian Journal of Plant Protection” <www.tjpp.tn>.
Livres Scientifiques / Scientific Books / 
1) - NASRAOUI B., 2000: Introduction à la phytomycologie: Morphologie, biologie et
systématique appliquée aux champignons phytopathogènes, [Introduction to phytomycology:
Morphology, biology and systematic applied to phytopathogenic fungi]. Centre de
Publication Universitaire, 185 p, Tunisia.
2) - NASRAOUI B., 2000: Main fungal diseases of cereals in Tunisia. Pricipales maladies
fongiques des céréales en Tunisie. . Centre de Publication
Universitaire, 145 p, Tunisia. (in Arabic, English and French)
3) - NASRAOUI B., 2002. Main fungal diseases of food legumes in Tunisia. Principales
maladies fongiques des légumineuses alimentaires en Tunisie. 
. Centre de Publication Universitaire, 97 p, Tunisia. (in Arabic, English and French)
4) - NASRAOUI B. & LEPOIVRE P., 2003. Les champignons phytopathogènes, [Pathogenic
fungi]. Pages 111-143, In Phytopathologie [Phytopathology]. Ouvrage collectif sous la
direction de P. Lepoivre. De Boeck Université Eds., 427 p, BELGIUM
5) - NASRAOUI B., 2006. Les champignons parasites des plantes cultivées, [Fungal parasites
of cultivated plants] (with an English version on CD). Centre de Publication Universitaire, 456
Biologie / DEUXIEME PARTIE : Systématique / TROISIEME PARTIE : Pathologie /
6) - NASRAOUI B., 2008 Main fungal diseases of cereals and legums in Tunisia (with Expert
System CD). Principales maladies fongiques des céréales et des légumineuses en Tunisie. 
. Centre de Publication Universitaire, 4 p, Tunisia.
(in Arabic, English and French) [Voir le Texte / See text / ].
7) - NASRAOUI B., 2015 Les champignons et pseudo-champignons pathogènes des plantes
cultivées: Biologie, Nouvelle systématique, Interaction pathologique [Fungal pathogens of
cultivated plants: Biology, New systematic, Pathological interaction]. Publication de l’INAT,
180 p, Tunisia [Voir le Texte].
7) - NASRAOUI B., 2016 Les champignons et pseudo-champignons pathogènes des plantes
cultivées: Biologie, Nouvelle systématique, Interaction pathologique [Fungal pathogens of
cultivated plants: Biology, New systematic, Pathological interaction]. Editions Universitaires
Européennes, 198 p, GERMANY. (Reprint) [Voir le Texte].
Livres Techniques / Technical Books /  
1) - NASRAOUI B., 1996: Introduction (p 1), Choix des variétés (p 5), Traitement des semences
(pp 15-16), Maladies fongiques (pp 47-52) et Conclusion (p 71) In Cultures du blé et de l’orge
dans les régions semi-arides de la Tunisie (Coordination B. Nasraoui), [Cropping of wheat and
barley in semi-arid areas of Tunisia (Edited by B. Nasraoui)]. Ecole Supérieure d’Agriculture
du Kef, 71 p, Tunisia.
          
[Cropping of wheat and barley in semi-arid areas of Tunisia (Edited by B. Nasraoui)]
3) - NASRAOUI B., 2000: Introduction (p 1), Maladies fongiques (pp 43-47) et Conclusion (p
71) In Cultures des légumineuses alimentaires dans les régions semi-arides de la Tunisie
(Coordination B. Nasraoui & M. Melki), [Cropping of food legumes in semi-arid areas of
Tunisia (Edited by B. Nasraoui & M. Melki)]. Ecole Supérieure d’Agriculture du Kef, 71 p,
    In
    
[Nasraoui B., 2000: Fungal diseases In Cropping of food legumes in semi-arid areas of
5 - In
[Nasraoui B ., 2001 : Fungal diseases in cereal crops In Pest control and pesticide spray in
cereal crops (Mohamed Ali Ben Abdallah, Bouzid Nasraoui et Boujemaa Kerbous)]
 Tunisia.
[Anonymous, 2019, 2020 : Procedural guide of the integrated management of the red palm
weevil. Bouzid Nasraoui within a collective authorship, Third Edition,]
[Anonymous, 2020 : Guide of palm cultivation. Bouzid Nasraoui within a collective
authorship, First Edition]
[Nasraoui B., 2020: Field guide for the control of the red palm weevil in Tunisia (case of
date palms)]
[Anonymous, 2022 : Most important invasive plants in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
Their characteristics and control methods. Bouzid Nasraoui]
Livres de réflexion / Reflection Books / 
1 -            
[Nasraoui B., 2013: Agricultural system of higher education and scientific research in
Tunisia: Some viewpoints and propositions, 20 p, Tunisia]
-     :    
[Nasraoui B., 2013: Plant health sector in Tunisia: Situation, perspectives and proposition
of a substantial reform, 100 p, Tunisia]